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Project History


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#goal-2021-jan-jun, #goal-2021-h1

Miraheze's Goals for the first half of 2021 (January 1st ~ June 30th).

Tasks added to this project must be at least one of the following:

a long-term project that can realistically be finished before June 31st,
a development project that will have a positive impact on Miraheze communities,
an objective for Site Reliability Engineers (infrastructure, introducing a new service, major work etc.).
MediaWiki and development tasks can be added freely by anyone assuming someone has in the past hinted at the possibility they would be willing to work on it or have a noticeable impact on communities.

Site Reliability Engineering tasks should only be added by members of the Site Reliability Engineer team as they have full control over their priorities and workflow, not subject to community benefit.

< Goal-2020-Jul-Dec | Goal-2021-Jul-Dec >

Event Timeline

John set this project's icon to Goal.
John set this project's color to Green.
John set this project's image to F1372674: fa-flag-checkered-green.png.
Unknown Object (User) removed a hashtag: #currentgoal.Jul 3 2021, 18:13
Unknown Object (User) archived this project.Jul 3 2021, 18:16