
Edit Form: SSL Certificate Request (special cases)

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Form Preview

This form should only be used if you don't want to use Lets Encrypt or if you're requesting a redirect! Please use https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSL for regular SSL certificate requests.

Any information you enter in this form will be visible to anyone on the internet. Make sure not to put any sensitive/private information in the form!

NOTE: If you are not using Let's Encrypt, your certificate must not generate any warning when we test it in Mozilla Firefox, latest stable version.

Event Timeline

revi changed locked and hidden fields. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Space. (Show Details)Jan 19 2018, 18:10
revi changed the default value for field Assigned To. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Status. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Priority. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field View Policy. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Tags. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Subscribers. (Show Details)
revi updated the preamble for this form. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)Jan 19 2018, 18:18
Reception123 changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)Jan 21 2018, 08:24
Reception123 changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)Jan 21 2018, 08:31
Void added this form to the "Create" menu.Jul 4 2021, 19:48
Void changed the order in which this form appears in the "Create" menu.
Reception123 changed the default value for field Title. (Show Details)
Reception123 changed the default value for field Title. (Show Details)
Unknown Object (User) changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)Aug 28 2022, 16:04
Unknown Object (User) renamed this form from SSL Certificates requests to SSL Certificates Request.Aug 28 2022, 16:09
Unknown Object (User) renamed this form from SSL Certificates Request to SSL Certificate Request.Aug 28 2022, 16:19
Unknown Object (User) updated the preamble for this form. (Show Details)
Void changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)Nov 1 2023, 20:23
Reception123 renamed this form from SSL Certificate Request to SSL Certificate Request (special cases).Feb 14 2024, 06:45
Reception123 updated the preamble for this form. (Show Details)