
Edit Form: Feature Request

This is a preview of the current form configuration.

Form Preview

If you want to report a security issue, please use this form!
This form should only be used to request newextensions and/or configuration options that are not yet available in ManageWiki. Before using this form, it is very important that you check Special:ManageWiki/extensions or Special:ManageWiki/settings (depending on what you need) to make sure that the extension or setting in question is not already available.

If you want to report bugs, or your task is not configuration/extensions related at all (e.g. transferring your wiki from another wiki farm), please use this this form.

You can request new extensions and/or configuration options for your wiki, using this form. Please use a clear title for your request (such as "Install[NewExtensionName] on meta.miraheze.org", replace meta.miraheze.org with the URL of your wiki), and put as much information as possible in the description.

When clicking on "Create New Task", your request will be submitted and a ticket will be created. The ticket is publicly readable, so do not put any private information (like email address, IP address, etc...) in it.


Event Timeline

Southparkfan changed the default value for field Space. (Show Details)
Southparkfan changed the default value for field Assigned To. (Show Details)
Southparkfan changed the default value for field Status. (Show Details)
Southparkfan changed the default value for field Priority. (Show Details)
Southparkfan changed the default value for field View Policy. (Show Details)
Southparkfan changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)
Southparkfan changed the default value for field Tags. (Show Details)
Southparkfan changed the default value for field Subscribers. (Show Details)
Southparkfan changed locked and hidden fields. (Show Details)
Southparkfan added this form to the "Create" menu.May 20 2016, 19:50
Southparkfan changed the order in which this form appears in the "Create" menu.
Southparkfan updated the preamble for this form. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)Apr 4 2017, 00:55
revi changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)Apr 17 2017, 16:47
NDKilla changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)Jun 20 2017, 00:19
NDKilla changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)
revi changed the default value for field Priority. (Show Details)Dec 29 2017, 16:30
revi changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)
Reception123 changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)Mar 17 2018, 11:01
Unknown Object (User) changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)Aug 28 2022, 16:08
Void changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)Nov 1 2023, 20:23